
Criw Cymraeg




Meddwl, siarad, creu cymuned Cymraeg!


Croeso i ddudalen Criw Cymraeg 2023/2024


Haia, Sut wyt ti? We’re Criw Cymraeg and we are responsible for helping the pupils of Ysgol Pen-y-Bryn to speak Welsh both in class and outside of class for example in the corridors and on the yard. We promote Welsh within our classes by holding sessions each day to play fun games and re-cap on the brawddeg yr wythnos. We also talk to all the junior children twice a week in our assemblies about what they can do to speak more Welsh by encouraging them to learn and use the brawddeg yr wythnos with their friends.  We have begun to include this information on the newsletter so that everyone can practise these words and phrases at home. So go on, have fun and Siarad Cymraeg!





Brawddeg yr wythnos 2022-23


Medi 5ed - 'Sut wyt ti'n teimlo?'


Medi 12ed - 'Beth wyt ti'n hoffi wneud?'


Medi 19ed - 'Beth ydy dy hoff fwyd?'

Tymor y gwanwyn



Amser Eisteddfod!  Dydd Iau Mawrth 5ed


The Key Stage 2 Eisteddfod will be on Thursday 5th March at Bryn Cadno Community Centre. On the day your child can come to the Centre dressed in anything that represents Wales eg. rugby kit, traditional Welsh costume or homemade outfit of anything to do with Wales.

All pupils have homework

1. What Wales means to me- a representation in any way the children would like eg sculture, photo, cake, short film.

2. Learn a Welsh poem

3. Learn a Welsh song

Also, if they wish, they have the opportunity to compete in the following

1. Solo recitation poem

2. Group/ solo dance

3. Instrumental (with a welsh theme)

Tymor y Gwanwyn - Gemau Cymraeg ar y iard

 Amser i fynd i ymarfer!

Beth ydy dy hobi di?

Beth ydy dy hobi di?

Dw i’n hoffi …
Dw i’n mwynhau …
Dw i wrth fy modd yn …

Dw i ddim yn hoffi …
Dw i ddim yn mwynhau …
Dw i’n casau …


achos mae’n

achos mae’n

llawer o hwyl








A ti?

A ti?

Chwefror 7fed


Bob wythnos byddwn ni'n wrando ar gerddoriaeth/ mwsig Gymraeg


e.e. Fleur de Lys , Elin Fflur

Beth ydy dy hoff grwp di?

Fy hoff grwp ydy.....

Beth yw'r Urdd?

Sefydlwyd yr Urdd yn 1922 i rhoi cyfleoedd i blant a phobl ifanc i gymdeithasu trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.

 Croeso yn ôl i'n Criw Cymreig!

Did you enjoy Christmas?

Fwynheaist ti dy Nadolig?

Yes thanks           No thanks

Do, diolch            Naddo   diolch

I had ……..

Ces i ………

It was fun

Roedd yn hwyl

It was exciting

Roedd yn gyffrous

And you?

A ti? A chi?

Tymor yr Hydref


This term Criw Cymraeg have been learning traditional playground games in Welsh. They have been demonstrating them in Assemblies as well as teaching the games at break and lunch times, all through the medium of Welsh.

Dyma ddwy o'r gemau!



Y Criw have also been practising Welsh questions and answers with the school, both on the yard and in the corridors. Each week a new phrase is chosen (Patrwm yr wythnos) to help build up the children's knowledge and confidence. When you visit the school you will see Patrwm yr Wythnos on the lolly shaped display boards.

Rhowch gynnig arni! Give it a go!

Dyma ein patrwm mwyaf newydd!


Did you enjoy lunch?

Fwynheaist ti dy ginio?

Yes thanks           No thanks

Do, diolch            Naddo   diolch

I had ……..

Ces i ………

It was very tasty

Roedd yn flasus iawn

It was awful, yuk!

Roedd yn ofnadwy, uch a fi!

And you?

A ti? A chi?

Gem Gymraeg


The following apps are helpful in developing your child's Welsh language skills. They are available to download from the ITunes store.

Foundation Phase

Magi Ann

  Mae Menter Iaith Sir y Fflint yn cyflwyno: ap newydd i helpu disgyblion ail iaith sy'n dysgu Cymraeg yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen i ddarllen Cymraeg

Menter Iaith Sir y Fflint present: a new app to help second-language pupils who learn Welsh in the Foundation Phase to learn to read in Welsh


Tric a chlic

A Welsh language app to reinforce letter sounds and formation, with songs to lead you from letter to letter. Games provide opportunities to practice and use the skills taught within the scheme


Key Stage Two

Campau Cosmig

A series of sixty plus mini-games in Welsh designed to teach and improve Welsh vocabulary and skills.


Cyfres o dros chwedeg o gemau yn Gymraeg wedi eu datblygu i ddysgu a gwella geirfa Cymraeg

Guto Nyth Brân  

It is based on the story of a legendary 18th century athlete from the Pontypridd area. Guto lived in Cwm Rhondda and could run very quickly. In this game, pupils are challenged to help Guto with one more race by correctly spelling the Welsh words, with the help of some animals along the way.

Straeon Cymru / Tales of Wales

We have been learning about our traditional tales. For example Dic Spot and the dancing Inn keeper, Adam and the slithery snake amongst others! Llawer o hwyl!


We had lots of great volunteers to help act out the stories.

We learnt about the amazing Welsh heroine, Betsi Cadwaladr.

Dyma Criw Cymraeg 2018-19


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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Ceiniogau Conwy - Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Llanrwst 2019.

Nurturing Healthy EthicalCreative Ambitious Learners

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