

Dyma Criw Cymraeg 2018-19

Criw Cymraeg had a really successful year in 2019-20. They managed to achieve the Bronze award for Cymraeg Campus and they were a wonderful presence in our school helping everyone to speak Welsh as much as possible. Now in the academic year 2019-20 we are striving to achieve the Cymraeg Campus Silver Award. We have lots of work to do but we are sure that with our positive attitudes and eagerness to succeed that this academic year will be just as successful as last.


We have kept the 2018-19 information on our page for now as there are some useful links and videos from last years Criw Cymraeg that you may want to look at, however, all of the new information from Criw Cymraeg this year will feature at the top of this feed.


We look forward to sharing our achievements with you!

Peidiwch a anghofio Diwrnod Shwmae Su'mae! Hydref 15, October 15th. 

Siarad Cymraeg efo'i gilydd!

Dysgu Cymraeg efo Criw Cymraeg!




Brawddeg yr wythnos - 28.1.19


Pwy wyt ti?

(Who are you?)


Sam ydw i.

(I am Sam.)



Sut wyt ti?

(How are you?)


Dw i'n drist, hapus, wedi blino, sal, ofnadwy, iawn, da iawn, bendigedig.

(I'm sad, happy, tired, ill, terrible, ok, very good, wonderful.)



Dydd Santes Dwynwen hapus i bawb! (25.1.19)

Dathlu Dydd Miwsig Cymru 8.2.19

Listen to Welsh music and appreciate the wealth of Welsh culture available to use through music both new and old.

Helo pawb!


We thought we would update you as to what we have been up to so far. As well as teaching the infants yard games and promoting Welsh days such as Diwrnod Su'mae Sh'mae we have been promoting Welsh music by having it play in the hall on the way into assembly and in the dinner hall. We have also been involved in the Christmas Carol performance performing a poem and recently we have taken part in the Ceiniogau Conwy challenge. We would like to say a huge DIOLCH to everyone who brought in pennies to help with this challenge and raise money for the Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 2019 in Llanrwst. Our next challenge... helping you to speak Welsh at home. Watch this space!


Diolch pawb! Thank you so much to everyone who brought pennies to school. We collected 17892 pennies to make a total of £178.92 collected towards the Eisteddfod in Llanrwst this summer. Criw Cymraeg had a great morning with Mr Dilwyn Price filling the two beautiful boards designed by pupils from Eirias High school with the pennies that had been collected. Da iawn! Here are a few photos of our morning.



Brawddeg yr wythnos - 17.2.19      


Faint o'r gloch ydy hi?

(What time is it?)


Dau o'r gloch

(Two o'clock)


Beth sy'n bod?

(What's the matter?)


Dw i'n sal, dw i wedi anghofio fy ngwaith cartref, dim byd.

(I'm ill, I've forgotten my homework, nothing at all)

Brawddeg yr Wythnos 11.2.19


Ble wyt ti'n byw?

(Where do you live?)


Dw i'n byw yn...

(I live in...)



Faint ydy dy oed di?

(How old are you?)


Dw i'n ....... oed.

(I am ....... years old)


un, dau, tri, pedwar, pump, chwech, saith, wyth, naw, deg

(One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten)

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